Monday 7 April 2014

Year A - Sixth Sunday of Lent - Palm Sunday

Sixth Sunday of Lent - Palm Sunday - Year A

Matthew 21, 1 - 11
Isaiah 50, 4 - 7
Psalm 21
Philippians 2, 6 - 11
Matthew 26, 14 - 27, 66

To go further


- The grey rabbit (classically dressed, with neutral colours), wants to melt into the crowd.
- As for the blue rabbit, he has everything to be noticed : pink glasses, red hat, he's screaming in bright colours, to make sure he gets seen. He doesn't look like he has a model lifestyle because he's just drunk a bottle and his teeth show that his food is not healthy. Yet here he is, compromising the other one with unflattering words.


- The grey rabbit ignores him by a gesture (he turns his back on him and swears with his hand) as well as by his words (I don't know this man)
- How many times do I look like the grey rabbit when conversation starts about Christ, the Church, the Pope, ... in a hostile land ? I don't like to be ignored. Have I ever wondered about Christ's feeling when I behave as such towards him, despite the fact he's perfect and no one can reproach him anything ?

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