Monday 15 September 2014

Year A - Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A
Isaiah 55, 6 - 9
Psalm 144
Philippians 1, 20 - 27
Matthew 20, 1 - 16


To go further 


- God's greatness shows itself in different ways.
- The visible and the invisible. We can only see one part of the racing car just like we can only see part of God's greatness.
- The fullness. There are seven "O"s in the VROOOOOOO The seven of them are flame-coloured. It's the fullness of God's love.
- The greatness of God goes through the picture from one end to the other, just like it goes through our life. It's present before our birth and after our death.
- God's greatness is leading us..  The hat represents the head (Christ) who is God, who' s leading his body (the Church, us) with him.
- God' greatness also lead us to our own limits (symbolised by the signpost 90). Thesse limits, when they are visited and purified by God, lead us to holiness. 


- At what moment was I dazzled by God's greatness ?
- What feelings did that arise in me ?
- What are the consequences in my everyday life ?

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