Monday 25 May 2015

Year B - Blessed Trinity

Blessed Trinity - Year B
Deuteronomy 4, 32...40
Psalm 32
Romans 8, 14-17
Matthew 28, 16-20

To go further

-We can see a car rolling at full speed. On remarque une voiture qui roule à fond la caisse. It is preparing to overtake.
-The driver is invisible (the car is not remote controlled)
-We cannot see the scenery, it is going to quickly.
-The blue rabbit is almost white with fear. He has his feet on the glove compartment (on the airbag ?) to cling as much as possible.


 -Interpretation ; this car, it is his life. There are three ways to drive :
            -You take the wheel. You decide everything and God has to follow you.
            -You take the wheel and God sits next to you with the map. He tells you where to go, you listen to Him, but you drive, at your speed.
            -God takes the wheel, and you let him guide you completely.
Well, Gods driving could seem crazy for you (that doesn't mean to say that he would drive too fast but that he would go via some roads that may seem, at times, quite curious)
Yet the folly of God is wiser than that of men. He knows your instruction manual and he takes you where you can be most yourself.

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